Social media and device use policy for learners
1. Introduction
This policy outlines the guidelines for the use of social media and devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and cameras by learners while on-site at Oxford Medwell Academy. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that learners use social media and devices in a responsible and appropriate manner, and to protect the privacy and security of all individuals involved.
- Social Media Use
a. Use of social media during class time is not permitted unless it is specifically related to the academic activity or assignment. The use of social media should not interfere with the learning experience of others.
b. Learners should not share personal information or images of other learners, instructors, or staff members without their consent.
c. Learners should not use social media to harass, bully, or intimidate others.
d. Learners should not post anything that could be considered discriminatory, offensive, or defamatory.
e. Learners should not use social media to solicit or promote any products or services.
- Device Use
a. Learners should use their devices in a responsible manner and should not allow their use to interfere with the learning experience of others.
b. Learners should not take photographs or videos of other learners, instructors, or staff members without their consent.
c. Devices should be kept on silent or vibrate mode during class time.
d. Learners should not use their devices to cheat or plagiarize during exams or assignments.
e. Learners should not use their devices to engage in any illegal activities or access inappropriate content.
- Enforcement
a. Any violations of this policy will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or expulsion.
b. Learners who witness violations of this policy should report them to a member of staff.
c. Oxford Medwell Academy reserves the right to monitor and regulate the use of social media and devices on-site to ensure compliance with this policy.
- Conclusion
This policy is intended to promote responsible and appropriate use of social media and devices by learners at Oxford Medwell Academy. By adhering to these guidelines, learners can help maintain a safe and respectful learning environment for all.

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Oxford Medwell Academy
Suite 15
266 Banbury Road
01865 238 078